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Our Services

We provide expert care for patients recovering from sports injuries, work-related injuries, and post-surgical rehabilitation. We also specialize in pain management and acute and chronic conditions.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a healthcare specialty that focuses on the diagnosis & treatment, of musculoskeletal & neuromuscular conditions.

Pain Management

Pain management services aim to help individuals who suffer from chronic pain, which is pain that persists for more than three months.

Post Surgical Rehabilitation

It is a specialized form of physical therapy that from surgery and regain their strength, mobility, and function.

Acute And Chronic Conditions

Acute conditions are typically those that come on suddenly and are severe in nature, but often resolve within a short period of time.

Sports Rehabilitation

Sports rehabilitation is the process of restoring an athlete's physical capabilities after an injury returning them to their previous level of activity.

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No Fault Accidents

Treatment for injuries sustained in a no-fault accident is typically covered by the injured person's own insurance policy.

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Balance & Falls Prevention

Balance and falls prevention treatment include a variety of interventions & strategies depending on the individual's needs.

Auto & Work Related Injuries

These injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to more serious injuries, such as back strains, fractures, or traumatic brain injuries.


EMG & NCV are diagnostic tests used to evaluate the function of the muscles and nerves in the body.

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